The same tools and automation scripts can be used without changing the user’s process. Integrating the debugging tools with Synopsys Silver allows developers to switch between virtual and physical ECUs. The use of virtual ECUs creates an ideal environment for the development and validation of automotive software. The Synopsys tooling also enables co-simulation with models of different tools such as MATLAB / Simulink, Dymola, SimulationX, MapleSim, AMEsim, GT-Power and axisuite and integrates into automotive workflows to frontload integration, validation, and debugging.
The Tasking tools provide comprehensive debugging, timing, and coverage analysis for in-depth insights into ECUs and embedded RTOS, with a focus on AUTOSAR while the Synopsys Virtualizer and Silver software environments allow for simulation of ECUs on different hardware abstraction levels from Level 4 (Virtualizer, VDKs) to abstractions on Level 1-3 (Silver) according to the prostep virtual ECU categorization.